
How Domestic Abuse Affects Divorce in California

Getting a divorce is always emotionally and legally complex, but when there’s been domestic abuse in the marriage, it can be a frightening prospect for the abuse victim. Not only does domestic abuse impact the victim’s emotional state during the divorce process, but allegations of…

How Getting a Raise Affects Child Support/Alimony

Family courts in California understand that circumstances change in life and sometimes the change is significant. The courts offer a process for requesting a modification of existing court orders for child support and alimony. Often, when one ex-spouse earns a substantial pay raise, they seek…

What do I need to know about the 20/20/20 rule and the 20/20/15 rule in my Military Divorce?

When going through a military divorce, it’s a different process to find out what retirement benefits you qualify for. If you qualify for the 20/20/20 or the 20/20/15 rule, you will have access to the privileges for the commissary and the exchange, as well as…